About Me

I am a life coach working with people who suffer from depression. My own personal success story about overcoming major depression has inspired me to share my story with others -- my first-hand knowledge of depression, coping strategies, management, and treatments. I believe that someone suffering from depression can benefit tremendously from self-inquiry, psychotherapy and practicing mindfulness. I have a degree from Hunter College where I majored in cultural anthropology. Thus, I have a deep respect for and awareness of each one's cultural background.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Work, Work, Work

"...All of us have been taught to make things happen in the physical world.  We know what it takes:  setting goals, rolling up our sleeves, putting pleasure aside, and working, working, working, working.  Then it helps if we work harder.  Often we need others to help us work, so we must work to find them and work to motivate them with physical rewards (food, money, companionship, approval) and/or physical punishment (pink slips, prison, breakups, criticism).  All of this is hard.  It demands much time and effort from both the body and the calculating mind.  As Genesis reminds us, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it was though taken: for dust thou are, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Well, yes, but...We now live in a world where a great deal of value is created with pure information rather than physical matter..."

--by Martha Beck, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World

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