Being authentic can be hard for some of us, because the voice of the inner critic is so strong, telling you that others are better than you. When you look up to someone because he or she looks so "together," what happens to your authenticity? These are some reactions that we have when we think others are better than us:
We copy other people's ways, cultures, standards (we lack originality)
We're too hard on ourselves (perfectionistic)
We don't allow ourselves to make mistakes
We always feel that others are judging us -- being too self-conscious
We compare ourselves to others, always
We don't allow ourselves to be different, therefore, creativity is stifled
We have to prove to others that we are good (needing validation)
We need to feel important, in order to measure up
We cannot explore or expand, for fear of ridicule
We fear exclusion
We cannot fail, for fear of rejection
We need the approval of others, to know we're right
If you want to be authentic, notice how you feel. Stop every now and then and notice. If you don't feel good, stop. Identify the feeling. Ask questions. Clarify.
Be aware of the moment. Do this throughout the day. Feel the experience. What's good about it, what's bad about it? What blessings are you receiving right now? Identify your feelings and desires at the moment.
Awareness will guide you and point you to the solutions. Connect with your inner being and notice how slowly but surely, you are becoming aware of who you really are.
About Me
I am a life coach working with people who suffer from depression. My own personal success story about overcoming major depression has inspired me to share my story with others -- my first-hand knowledge of depression, coping strategies, management, and treatments. I believe that someone suffering from depression can benefit tremendously from self-inquiry, psychotherapy and practicing mindfulness. I have a degree from Hunter College where I majored in cultural anthropology. Thus, I have a deep respect for and awareness of each one's cultural background.
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