About Me

I am a life coach working with people who suffer from depression. My own personal success story about overcoming major depression has inspired me to share my story with others -- my first-hand knowledge of depression, coping strategies, management, and treatments. I believe that someone suffering from depression can benefit tremendously from self-inquiry, psychotherapy and practicing mindfulness. I have a degree from Hunter College where I majored in cultural anthropology. Thus, I have a deep respect for and awareness of each one's cultural background.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Unemployment and Thinking Outside the Box

If you find yourself unemployed these days, look at it as an opportunity to think outside the box.  All our working lives, we live as slaves of the corporation.  We're afraid of being fired, or we get disgruntled because we are paid so little.  So if you are unemployed right now, rejoice!  It forces you to think outside the box.  Give up the old ways of thinking.  Look around you, observe, brainstorm about ways to make money.  Evaluate your budget.  Do you really need so much money?  If you don't have the latest gadget, are you afraid you will be rejected by your peers?  Are you free?  A lot of our fears are fears of rejection that put us in a box.  Break out of that box.  Think of all the fears that keep you inside the box.  Break out of the box!  Society can reject you for being different or poor, but you can bear it.  In exchange for that rejection is your freedom.  Are you afraid of being homeless?  Are you afraid of begging?  When I lost my job, I felt like my life was over.  I felt like I lost my identity, because my job gave me my self-worth.  But I learned to budget and penny pinch.  I discovered a new joy from being with very little money, but I have my mind for thinking and my heart for creativity. I began to notice my surroundings.  I used to ignore the trees and the flowers.  I used to ignore how much money I already had, compared to nothing.  And I discovered that there's no such thing as nothing.  There is everything in my life...I just didn't focus on them because my mind was focused on my lack.  I was always thinking that I lacked this, I lacked that.  And I ignored what I already had, and how much worth it had.  I found enjoyment from a simple sandwich for lunch...two slices of whole wheat bread and cheese, but being in peace.  I found enjoyment in just sitting outside with a cup of coffee and being with my thoughts.  I began to understand where I invested my time and effort.  My values changed.  I learned to value the "small" things in life.  Now, I value being able to wake up in the morning.  I value my intelligence and creativity because I can discover how to live an authentic life, instead of life in a box.


  1. Thank you for this! You're right. I have been struggling to find stable employment for awhile and as you said, society dictates that we must be good workers or we are basically worthless. I am a positive person but it's hard to maintain that positivity when you know people are looking down at you. I have definitely been thinking outside the box though. I wake up each day trying to think of new and creative ways to not only free myself from the enslavement of corporations but to help others. I am confident the answer will come when the Universe sees fit.

    I hope you have an amazing day! Namasté!

  2. Namaste! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It pays to be independent of the trends. It takes time to find your comfort level with the unknown, and look the other way, to new horizons. We don't have to follow the same recipe in life all the time. Let's start celebrating our own unique humanity. Yey!
