About Me

I am a life coach working with people who suffer from depression. My own personal success story about overcoming major depression has inspired me to share my story with others -- my first-hand knowledge of depression, coping strategies, management, and treatments. I believe that someone suffering from depression can benefit tremendously from self-inquiry, psychotherapy and practicing mindfulness. I have a degree from Hunter College where I majored in cultural anthropology. Thus, I have a deep respect for and awareness of each one's cultural background.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Are Others Better Than You?

Are you comfortable always measuring up to "better than" standards?  For example:  If you don't feel beautiful or smart, like others, what would the consequences be for you?  We are always overcompensating.

We learned in childhood, and even later on into adulthood, the notion of "better than" -- that other groups or people or cultures or other ways are "better."

"Better than" groups are exclusive.  Some examples are:  Aristocracy, Executives (glass ceiling, bamboo ceiling), royalty, expensive neighborhoods, elite schools, religions.

People define "better than" categories based on:  economic status, beauty standards, job titles, age, sexual orientation, religion, race.

What was your experience with the notion of "better than?" -- when you thought others were better, or they thought you were not as good as them.  Look at your own situation and examine your beliefs around this concept.  This way, it will become clear to you that being better is not that important to you after all, because in reality, there is no one person or thing that is really better than you.  The truth is you just want to be yourself.

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